YEREVAN, August 19. / ARKA /. In the first half of 2011 the total assets of insurance companies in Armenia increased by 16.5% or 3.8 billion drams from the beginning of the year to 27.4 billion drams, according to an analysis, conducted by ARKA news agency.
Rosgistrakh-Armenia was the largest company in terms of assets size which stood as of June 30 at 6.5 billion drams, having increased over the reporting period by 27.7% or 1.4 billion drams. This company accounted for 23.8% of the total assets of all insurance companies in the country.
The second largest company, in terms of assets size, was Ingo Armenia with about 5.9 billion drams assets. The company posted a 39.7% or 1.7 billion drams rise form the beginning of the year and accounted for 21.4% of the total assets of insurance companies. Nairi Insurance was third with about 3. 3 billion drams, an increase of 10.8% or 318.8 million drams in the first six months. It accounted for 11.9% of the combined assets.
Cascade Insurance’s assets stood at about 3.1 billion drams, down 10.4% or 359.3 million drams from the beginning of the year (11.3% of total assets), Garant-Limens’s assets were worth 2.9 billion drams, an increase of 77.8% or about 1.3 billion drams. Its share in the total assets was 10.6%). The highest growth rate during the reporting period of time was reported by Gurant-Limens company (77.8%), Ingo Armenia (39.7%) and Rosgosstrakh-Armenia (27.7%). There are nine operating insurance companies in the country. One company did not publish its statement.($ 1 – 366.51 AMD). -0-