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  • Archive for June 26th, 2024

    Armenia and French Development Agency sign EUR 75 million loan agreement

    Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

    A loan agreement worth 75 million euros was signed on Wednesday in Yerevan by Armenian Finance Minister Vahe Hovhannisyan and Matthieu Vassier, regional director of the French  Development Agency for Eurasia.  

    Armenian National Mortgage Company to issue "green bonds" with the assistance of French Development Agency

    Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

    The Armenian National Mortgage Company and the French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement, AFD) are preparing to issue “green bonds” to support 16,000 families across the country in their energy transition, the French Embassy in Armenia reports.  

    Unibank joins Association of Lessors of Armenia

    Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

    Unibank, as an active participant of the leasing market, has joined the Association of Lessors of Armenia.