Mon, 17 February
-0.9 C
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Tag: Cyprus

Russia to scrap taxation agreement with Cyprus

Russia said on Monday it would initiate a process to scrap an agreement with Cyprus aimed at avoiding double taxation, the Russian Finance Ministry said on Monday, TASS reported

Cyprus appoints Chrystalla Geoghadji as new governor of Central Bank

Cyprus has appointed Chrystalla Geoghadji as the new governor of the country's central bank; Prime reported citing Cyprus media reports

Cyprus takes steps to bring down joblessness: Washingtonpost

Cyprus has earmarked 340 million euros ($467.5 million) to help combat joblessness, which is expected to peak next year at over 19 percent in the bailed-out country, The Washington Post reported referring to AP

Bank of Cyprus large depositors to lose 47.5%, CypLive says

Write-offs to the uninsured portion of deposits in the Bank of Cyprus will be 47.5% - the funds will be converted into shares of the bank, said on Monday the deputy spokesman of the Government of Cyprus Victor Papadopoulos at a briefing in Nicosia, CypLive reported

S&P’s raises Cyprus` long-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings to `CCC+`

Rating Agency Standard and Poor`s raised on Wednesday Cyprus` long-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings to `CCC+` from `SD` (selective default) with a stable outlook, following the successful exchange of €1 billion government bond`s with longer maturities, RBC reported citing Reuters

IMF board oks Cyprus loan, warns of risks: Reuters

The International Monetary Fund's executive board approved a $1.3 billion (853.7 million pounds), three-year loan to Cyprus on Wednesda

Cyprus receives 1st bailout payment: Examiner

Cyprus's first aid payment has been officially approved by the European Stability Mechanism, the unit responsible for providing funding for euro-area bailouts

Cyprus bank deposits decreased by almost 4 percent

Cypriot banks lost 1.8 billion euros ($2.4 billion) in deposits in March, when the country agreed to tax bank deposits as part of a European Union-led bailout

Cyprus Finance Ministry ready to lift restrictions on foreign banks

Cyprus Finance Ministry issued a decree that allows you to bring in the country are foreign financial institutions from the application of measures restricting banking, ypLive. Com reports

Cypriot finance minister sees gold sale within months: Reuters

Cyprus's finance minister said on Wednesday he anticipated the island nation to sell part of its gold reserves "during the next months", but the final decision rested with the central bank, Reuters reported today

S&P raises Cyprus outlook from negative to stable

Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has raised the long-term and short-term sovereign credit rating of Cyprus, previously affirmed at ‘CCC’ and ‘C’ respectively

Annual mortgage interest rates rose by 0.2pp to 12.2% in Armenia

Average annual interest rates on mortgage rose by 0.2 percentage points up to 12.2% in Armenia in February as compared to the month before, says the website of the central bank