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ARKA News Agency releases 3rd Q 2012 press rating of Armenian Banks

YEREVAN, November 30. /ARKA/. ARKA News Agency has released the 3rd Q 2012 press rating of 21 Armenian commercial banks, where Anelik Bank, VTB Bank (Armenia), Araratbank, Ameriabank and HSBC Bank Armenia are leaders.

The total index that shows the volume of information has contracted by 10% from 2849.4 in the third quarter 2011 to 2565.8 in the third quarter of this year. Compared with the second quarter of this year, when the index was 4124.3, it contracted by 37.8%.

The top five banks’ index rose from 1954.1 in the 3rd Q 2011 to 1389.1 now, but dropped from 4124.3 in the 2nd Q 2012 to 2565.8 in the third quarter.

Anelik Bank, which was fifth in ARKA News Agency’s 3rd Q 2011 rating, enjoys leadership in the present ranking, and its index rose 1.8 times.

VTB Bank (Armenia) ranked second now, while in the 3rd Q 2011 ranking it came seventh – 1.9-time year-on-year increase.

Araratbank, whose index rose 2.6 times, leapt from eighth rank in the third quarter 2011 to third rank now.

Instead, Ameriabank’s index plunged 65.6%, pushing the bank from the top of the ranking in the 3rd Q 2011 to fourth position now.
HSBC Bank Armenia worsened its index by 23% and slipped from third rank in 2011 to fifth place now.

Compared with the second quarter of this year, Anelik Bank, who was atop ARKA News Agency’s 2rd Q 2012 ranking, upgrading its position by 4 notches despite its index dropped 11.1%.
VTB Bank (Armenia) went two pips up though it had its index fallen 24.6%.

Araratbank, with its index fallen 5.2%, compared with the previous quarter, came third.
Ameriabank’s index sank 72.2% in the third quarter, compared with the previous quarter, putting the bank from the first rank to fourth.

HSBC Bank Armenia, who was third in the second quarter, came fifth now – its index dropped 69.1%.
In the 2nd Q 2012 ranking, Ameriabank, with its 784.2 index, was the leader. It was followed by ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank (725.7), HSBC Bank Armenia (638.5), VTB Bank (Armenia) (458.7) and Anelik Bank (392.1).

IN the 3rd Q 2011, leaders were Ameriabank (633.3), ASCBA-Creidt Agricole Bank (615.6), HSBC Bank Armenia (256.5), Ardshininvestbank (251.3) and Anelik Bank (197.4).

Information for the rating has been selected on following theme sections: Negotiations and Agreements, Objectives and Program of Strategic Development, Banks’ Activities in Figures, Policy of Attraction and Distribution of Funds, Expansion of Activities’ Focuses, Charity, General Information on Bank, Disputes and Opinions and Forecasts.

Information has been selected from Golos Armenii, Respublika Armenia, Novoe Vremya, Delovoy Express, Hayastani Hanrapetutyun, Azg, Aravot, Haykakan Zhamanak, Hayots Ashkhar, Iravunk, Yerkir, 168 Zham, Capital, Sobesednik Armenii, Zhoghovurd and Zhamanak newspapers as well as from Panarmenian, ARKA, Newsarmenia, Armbanks, Banks, Banker, Arminfo, Panorama, Lragir electronic portals.
ARKA News Agency’s press rating is based on banking activities covered in media reports not on financial and economic indicators. It means the higher the degree of the coverage of a bank’s activity by the media the more effective is its communicative policy. Advertisements are not considered or analyzed.

Details are available in “Press Rating of Banks” bulletin #01(09), the 3rd Q 2012. –0—

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Профессиональное жюри определило кандидатов на победу в номинациях “ArmNet Awards 2012”


YEREVAN, November 30. / ARKA /. The professional jury of ArmNet Awards 2012 has unveiled today the list of nominees  in each contest category. From 540 submitted participants, in 7 categories the following nominees will continue the fight for the best title:

Design and Usability


Technological Development


Social impact

Breakthrough of the Year

Special Prize from Orange for the best mobile application

The best websites in each category will be chosen after local and foreign jury members’ joint meeting and the winners in each category will be announced during ArmNet Awards ceremony, which will take place on 8th of December, in “Ararat” hall of Armenia Marriott hotel.

The SMS voting continues, at the end of which the winner of “People’s Choice” nomination will be chosen.  In order to vote for their favorite website users will need to send SMS from their cell phones to 10-41 short number (the price for 1 SMS is 50 dram including VAT) indicating the unique website number in the subject line of the SMS. Each user can only vote once for each website, but the user can vote for as many websites as he/she wants.

The social networks profiles and groups, that participate in the competition, cannot take part in “People’s Choice” nomination and do not participate in the SMS voting.  The SMS voting will finish on 8th of December, 2012 at 18:00:00 Yerevan Time.

“ArmNet 2012” is meant to evaluate the progress in Armenian internet segment, along with technology socialization, to encourage the development of the Armenian websites’ content and to support the creation of new companies.

“ArmNet 2012” annual events are organized by the Maeutica branding company, Orange Armenia and ISOC (Internet Society).  Detailed information is available at  the official site at -0-



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