The quality of the loan portfolio of Armenian banks has improved due to a decrease in the share of problem debt from 2.4% to 1.2%, according to the regional economic review of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD) “Winter 2024–2025.”
Bank lending growth rates in Armenia exceeded the growth rates of deposits (21.1% and 10.8% y/y, respectively) by the end of September 2024, contributing to the reduction of excess liquidity in the banking sector, the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD) regional economic review “Winter 2024-2025” says.
Amid low inflation rates, the Central Bank of Armenia has substantially eased monetary conditions, but this has had a limited impact on banks' rates, the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development's (EFSD) regional economic review “Winter 2024-2025” says.
A scheme designed by the Armenian government to support citizens with bad loans started on February 1 with 1000 beneficiaries having already submitted online applications, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs David Khachatryan said today.
Viva Armenia CJSC announces the issuance of nominal, coupon paying bonds. The company has issued dollar-denominated bonds with a total face value of $80 million. The underwriter for these bonds is Ameriabank.
In 2019, Armenia-based commercial banks earned a total of 78.8 billion drams in net profit, up from 56.4 billion drams they had earned in 2018, according to ARKA news agency's ranking of the most profitable commercial banks in the fourth quarter of 2019
ARKA News Agency has released the ranking of the biggest profit-gainers among Armenia's commercial banks for Jan-Sept 2019. The Armenian banking sector's aggregate net profit for Jan-Sept 2019 amounted to AMD 60.9 billion against the AMD 51.7 billion of the same period a year before showing a 18% year-on-year growth. All the 17 banks of the country operated with profits
ARKA News Agency announces the launch of the updated website — the first specialized resource in the field of high technologies and telecommunications in Armenia, operating since 2008.
The pace of price growth in Armenia is expected to gradually increase in the coming months, driven by the easing of monetary policy and the recovery in global food prices, according to the weekly macro review of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB).
Armenia's overall public debt as of December 31, 2024 amounted to $12,842,240,000, increasing by $274.4 million compared to November 30, 2024, the National Statistical Committee said.
Financial intermediation by the Armenian banking system in December 2024 continued to outpace economic activity, also characterized by a higher growth rate of loans compared to deposits, according to the Armenian Ministry of Finance's report titled "Review of Macroeconomic Developments. December 2024." Unlike December 2023, the growth in loan volumes (24.2%) exceeded the growth in deposit volumes (13.9%).
On August 23, international credit rating agency S&P Global Ratings reaffirmed Armenia's long-term and short-term sovereign credit ratings in both foreign and local currency at "BB-/B." The agency also maintained its "stable" outlook for the country.
In an exclusive interview with ARKA news agency CEO of Armenian Securities Exchange (AMX) Hayk Yeganyan spoke about the strategy of the exchange, prospects of the securities market development, as well as the obstacles on this path
Andranik Grigoryan, the CEO of Converse Bank, addressed key topics in an interview with AmCham magazine, including customer interests, digital financial services improvement, and Converse Bank's digital team organization. Read the full interview with Andranik Grigoryan
Armenia’s Central Bank is not planning to make changes to or revise its current regulatory framework designed for local commercial banks, the regulator’s press service said in response to ARKA News Agency's inquiry about whether it was planning to toughen prudential requirements for banks, particularly, the liquidity ratio because of the large inflow of non-resident funds
The quality of the loan portfolio of Armenian banks has improved due to a decrease in the share of problem debt from 2.4% to 1.2%, according to the regional economic review of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD) “Winter 2024–2025.”
Bank lending growth rates in Armenia exceeded the growth rates of deposits (21.1% and 10.8% y/y, respectively) by the end of September 2024, contributing to the reduction of excess liquidity in the banking sector, the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD) regional economic review “Winter 2024-2025” says.
Amid low inflation rates, the Central Bank of Armenia has substantially eased monetary conditions, but this has had a limited impact on banks' rates, the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development's (EFSD) regional economic review “Winter 2024-2025” says.
A scheme designed by the Armenian government to support citizens with bad loans started on February 1 with 1000 beneficiaries having already submitted online applications, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs David Khachatryan said today.
Viva Armenia CJSC announces the issuance of nominal, coupon paying bonds. The company has issued dollar-denominated bonds with a total face value of $80 million. The underwriter for these bonds is Ameriabank.
In 2019, Armenia-based commercial banks earned a total of 78.8 billion drams in net profit, up from 56.4 billion drams they had earned in 2018, according to ARKA news agency's ranking of the most profitable commercial banks in the fourth quarter of 2019
ARKA News Agency has released the ranking of the biggest profit-gainers among Armenia's commercial banks for Jan-Sept 2019. The Armenian banking sector's aggregate net profit for Jan-Sept 2019 amounted to AMD 60.9 billion against the AMD 51.7 billion of the same period a year before showing a 18% year-on-year growth. All the 17 banks of the country operated with profits
ARKA News Agency announces the launch of the updated website — the first specialized resource in the field of high technologies and telecommunications in Armenia, operating since 2008.
The pace of price growth in Armenia is expected to gradually increase in the coming months, driven by the easing of monetary policy and the recovery in global food prices, according to the weekly macro review of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB).
Armenia's overall public debt as of December 31, 2024 amounted to $12,842,240,000, increasing by $274.4 million compared to November 30, 2024, the National Statistical Committee said.
Financial intermediation by the Armenian banking system in December 2024 continued to outpace economic activity, also characterized by a higher growth rate of loans compared to deposits, according to the Armenian Ministry of Finance's report titled "Review of Macroeconomic Developments. December 2024." Unlike December 2023, the growth in loan volumes (24.2%) exceeded the growth in deposit volumes (13.9%).
On August 23, international credit rating agency S&P Global Ratings reaffirmed Armenia's long-term and short-term sovereign credit ratings in both foreign and local currency at "BB-/B." The agency also maintained its "stable" outlook for the country.
In an exclusive interview with ARKA news agency CEO of Armenian Securities Exchange (AMX) Hayk Yeganyan spoke about the strategy of the exchange, prospects of the securities market development, as well as the obstacles on this path
Andranik Grigoryan, the CEO of Converse Bank, addressed key topics in an interview with AmCham magazine, including customer interests, digital financial services improvement, and Converse Bank's digital team organization. Read the full interview with Andranik Grigoryan
Armenia’s Central Bank is not planning to make changes to or revise its current regulatory framework designed for local commercial banks, the regulator’s press service said in response to ARKA News Agency's inquiry about whether it was planning to toughen prudential requirements for banks, particularly, the liquidity ratio because of the large inflow of non-resident funds
The IDBank is adamant to defend its interests in all judicial instances, the chairman of the bank’s Board Mher Abrahamyan told reporters on Monday in comments on a trial that involves businessman Gevorg Afandyan and the alienation of property of B.M.L Arzni LLC that has been considered by Armenian courts for several years already
Anelik Bank said it has placed the entire amount of USD-denominated bonds of the fifth issue to the tune of $5 million, saying they were acquired by individuals and legal entities in the capital Yerevan and beyond it
Anelik Bank has launched a new campaign – it will provide gold-secured card loans until December 1, 2017 for up to six months at 8% and 9.5% interest rates for loans in foreign currencies and 11% and 12% for loans in drams, the press office of the bank reported on Monday
The Anelik Bank has issued the fifth tranche of USD-denominated registered coupon bonds to the tune of $5 million, with annual yield of 5.75% and circulation period of 24 months. Interests will be paid every 6 months. The minimum package consists of 10 bonds with a nominal value of $100
Anelik Bank is embarking on the second stage of the program of lending for corporate clients with a tender interest rate, the press office of the bank reported on Tuesday
In a comment on a decision of the Central Bank of Russia to revoke the operating license of the Russia-based Anelik Ru Bank, the Armenian Anelik Bank said the Russian bank was founded as its subsidiary bank, but in 2012 it was sold and has not been its part since then
Anelik Bank in Yerevan said it has improved its position in the banking sector of the country and now in terms of key indicators is among the top five banks
Anelik Bank is planning to place bonds at Russian market, Sergey Virabyan, first deputy chairman of the bank's board and corporate business director, told ARKA News Agency on Wednesday
Anelik Bank is the first bank in Armenia to offer a credit product with tender interest rate to corporate businesses, Hayk Tumanyan, chief of the bank's division in charge of development of corporate products, said Wednesday at a news conference
Moody's Investors Service said in a press release that it has assigned B2 long-term and NP short-term local- and foreign-currency deposit ratings, a b2 baseline credit assessment (BCA) and adjusted BCA, as well as a B1(cr) long-term and NP(cr) short-term Counterparty Risk Assessment (CR Assessment) to Armenia's Anelik Bank CJSCo. The long-term deposit ratings carry a stable outlook