Sat, 1 February
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Some 70 ATMs in demand in Armenia every year

YEREVAN, March 25. /ARKA/. Some 70 ATMs are in demand in Armenia every year, Igor Kudrin, executive director of Lanit Russian company’s banking technologies division, said at a press conference on Thursday.

He said that the company exports ATMs to Armenia and sees a high demand for them here. Kudrin said that the Russian company cooperates with some Armenian banks.

He thinks there is room for establishing cooperation also with other banks in Armenia. In particular, he said there is room for installing ATMs, POS-terminals, video control systems and other new generation devises.

He said that the company’s Diebold ATMs have a five-cassette dispenser, which, if fully-loaded, let banks save up to 20% of resources.

“Diebold company improved software in 2009 to ensure 100-percent security and bar other people from penetrating in the software,” Kudrin said.

More than that – all the provided parts of ATMs meet security requirements, especially cardreader-а ATMs and client keyboards.

It means ATMs are fully secured.

Some 580 ATMs functioned in Armenian ArCa payment system as of Jan 1, 2010. The system can increase their number to 3,000.

LANIT Holding, (laboratory of new information technologies), is the largest Russian company. It started operating on IT market in 1989.

The company engages in distribution, system integration and training of IT specialists. LANIT is official representative of Diebold, ATM-producing company, in Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States.-0—



Armenia’s refinancing rate back to August 2022 level – WB

The refinancing rate in Armenia has returned to the level of August 2022, according to the World Bank's review Armenia Monthly Economic Update - January 2025.

Loans and deposits of Armenian banks grew in November due to AMD-denominated  funds – WB

Commercial bank deposits in Armenia grew 2.3 percent (mom) in November, and loans increased 2.6 percent (mom), driven by AMD-denominated funds, the World Bank says in its latest Armenia Monthly Economic Update – January 2025 review.

Insurance market of Armenia is in embryonic state

Insurance market of Armenia is in embryonic state

Armenia’s 1.5% inflation in December is the highest since April – WB

Armenia's inflation picked up to 1.5 percent (yoy) in December, the highest rate since April 2023, according to World Bank's Armenia Monthly Economic Update – January 2025 review.

Euro exchange rate plunges by 4.12 points to AMD 414.32

The average market exchange rate of the US dollar to the Armenian dram on January 29, 2024, amounted to 398.27 drams, down 0.09 points compared to January 27.

