YEREVAN, November 7. /ARKA/. On November 7, 2019, IDBank started the allocation of two nominal, coupon bonds, tranches 2 and 3, thereby raising the issue of bonds to 9. According to the bank’s press office, the total volume of tranche 2 issuance is US $ 5,000,000.00, with a coupon income of 5%, and the coupon will be paid quarterly.
The total volume of tranche 3 issuance is AMD 250,000,000.00 (two hundred and fifty million), nominal value is AMD 50,000, coupon rate is 9.5%, payments will be made quarterly. The maturity of the second and third tranches of 2019 is 2 years and 3 months; allocation is expected to be completed by January 31, 2020. In the meantime the bonds may be obtained from all branches of IDBank. The bonds will be listed on the Armenian Stock Exchange and quoted by Marketmaker, the creator of the market.
Bonds are considered a guaranteed bank deposit and are guaranteed by the “Deposit Guarantee Fund”.
The bond program prospectus was registered at the Central Bank of Armenia by the decision N1/93A of the CBA Chairman.
The electronic version of the Prospectus and the basic terms of emission can be found on the official IDBank website: The Bank is controlled by the CBA.
IDBank was established on July 9, 1990 and registered on October 1,1991 as Anelik Bank CJSC.
In May 2017, the bank was re-branded as IDBank. NOw it has two shareholders FISTOCO LTD – 59.7% and “CreditBank S.A.L.” – 40.3%. -0—