YEREVAN, December 6. /ARKA/. Central Bank of Armenia registered new branch of ACBA- Credit Agricole Bank “Dilijan” by the decision of the Head of CB Armenia Artur Javadyan as of November 30, 2010.
CJSC “ ACBA- Credit Agricole Bank”(former Bank of Agrarian Mutual Aid of Armenia) was established in 1995 and registered on March 29, 1996. The bank is established in the frames of the program of European Union TACIS. French Credit Agricole S.A with the share of 15.56%, joint stock company “SACAM International” with the share of 12.44% and Unions of Agrarian Mutual Aid of 10 regions of Armenia, including Armavir region – 14.08% and Ararat region – 12.28% are among shareholders of the Bank.
As of September 30, 2010 the assets of the Bank were 172.7 billion drams (it occupies the first place in the banking sector of Armenia by this indicator), liabilities – 134.6 billion drams (first place), total capital – 38.1 billion drams (first place), charter capital – 15.8 billion drams (second place), total credit investments of the bank – 87.6 billion drams (second place), liabilities to the clients – 54.8 billion drams. Net income of the Bank in January-September was 2955.5 million drams (third place).
As of September 30, 39 branches of the bank were functioning in Armenia..—0—