YEREVAN, September 18 / ARKA /. Armenian Card (ArCA) payment system issued 34,011 new plastic cards in August 201, by 40% more from the same month a year earlier, the company said in a press release.
More specifically, it issued 15,203 ArCa cards, by 68% more from a year before, 9,983 Visa cards- by 67.8% more from a year before and 8,915 MasterCards, a drop of 3.5%.
The total number of active cards, which could be used to make transactions in August exceeded 920,000, a 36.7% increase compared to August 2011. Some 607,507 cards were used to make transactions in the reporting period, up from 433,424 in the same period last year, of which 323,075 were ArCa cards (an increase of 29.8%), 151,815 were Visa cards (an increase of 35%) and 136,616 were MasterCards (an increase of 185.5%).
The company also said that the proportion of active plastic cards, which were used to make transactions, was 66%.
The Armenian Card CJSC was established on March 16, 2000 as a united national payment system. Today 19 of Armenia’s 21 commercial banks participate in ArCa payment system. The company is a full member of MasterCard Europe international payment system. It also processes VISA and American Express (Third Party Processor) cards. ($1 – 410,97 drams). -0-