YEREVAN, May 31. /ARKA/. Armenia’s monetary base rose by 5.4% to about 679.6 billion drams as of the end of April, ArmStat reports.
Cash outside the Central Bank exceeded 399.3bln drams as of the end of April as compared to 395.6bln drams in March, according to the report.
Mandatory reserves in drams amounted to over 193.7bln drams against more than 161.9bln drams as of the end of March; those in foreign currency exceeded 82.9bln drams as compared to over 84.4bln drams by the end of March.
Net international reserves (excluding privatization funds) totaled about 379.3bln drams as of the end of April, a 0.25% decrease compared to March.
Net internal assets were over 300.3bln drams against over 264.7bln drams as of the end of March. ($1=416.71drams). –0–